Oprettet: 26. september 2022

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Mads Aarup




København K


På vegne af vores internationale beboere i Middelalderbyen viderebringes deres vigtige budskab - på engelsk - om den vanvittige hobbybilisme, som finder sted i aften- og nattetimerne i Middelalderbyens smalle byrum, mens der er flest opstemte mennesker i gaderne.
Det er særligt vigtigt at se videoerne - med lyd på - for at forstå problemet og ikke mindst indse, at Byrums- og Trafikplanen på ingen måde adresserer nogle af Middelalderbyens og dens beboeres aller største problemer:
Fem korte videoklip på SSBFs Youtube kanal:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbuVwkJInPclNSvJLaHfAoA/featured

The traffic plan addresses one of two kinds of traffic that could be considered problematic. A restriction of parking and other outlined measures may be effective at curbing what we could call ‘rational traffic’ whereby the purpose of the driver would be to park and use a service of the city, shop or visit a resident.


The council’s proposal does not address another kind of ‘irrational traffic’ wherein the purpose is not to park or use a service or visit people in the area, but rather to drive through or around the city in loops. This is where long-standing problems remain with the local businesses and residents.


Proposals of signage-based limitations of traffic have been tested through the spring and summer months of 2021 making it illegal for non-residential traffic to drive trough the streets at certain times. To support this, the streets were painted with white stripes. From the camera and video footage attached, you can see that this has had no effect on the decisions of drivers who understood that they were contravening the regulations, and residents have seen and spoken to police on-site throughout the time that these infringements were taking place who verbally confirmed that would not attempt to fine the drivers for these infringements even as they were happening in their presence. There are multiple cases of this supported by street residents and business owners, and it is understandable that the trend will continue if signage restrictions are instated without another form of control. In this case, the police-labour requirement would be too high to make any effective change.


Since this ‘irrational traffic’ does not need or want parking spaces the council’s proposal would in some ways  improve conditions for this behavior. Another widespread concern especially amongst store holders is for the safety of their children on the streets. There is a habit of accelerating over short distances, often from a stationary position. Because of the street narrowness and various barriers, unseen children may not be able to escape a collision. The risk is higher with electrical cars as they make almost no sound as they accelerate. The cars may not break the total speed limit during these speed-bursts, but they are unable to see behind corners of narrow streets or properly control their vehicles at this time. Attached are images of vehicle and property damage caused by this behavior.


The problem is most pertinent between the hours of 10pm and 4am, when residents are attempting to sleep and restaurant kitchens are closed. In this case, there is no perceivable need for ‘rational traffic’ and exceptions can easily be made which have been well documented and used throughout Denmark in traffic control situations.