Høringssvar vedrørende Handlingsplan for vejstøj 2024-2029

Oprettet: 17. juni 2024

Indsendt af

Lauren Larsen




København Ø


I hereby register a complaint about traffic noise in Webersgade. We suffer from extremely heightened road noise on our street. Our noise level is 73 dB, which is well above the established limit of 68 dB, above which point a residential building is considered to be “stærkt støjbelastet.” It would appear from the map of the recent study presented in handlingsplan for vejstøj 2024-2029 (figure 1, p. 15)  that Webersgade may be both the smallest and shortest residential street in the Københan Kommune with the highest road noise. Such road noise presents significant health problems, including premature death, as studies have shown. The residential buildings on either side of the street are too close (ca. 19 meters) and too high (at least six stories on the buildings on the southwest side) to allow hardly any car or bus traffic to pass through with sufficiently low road noise. This is causing significant health threats to the residents of Webersgade, and additionally the row houses on Webersgade, which have the same cultural heritage protections as the rest of the Kartoffelrækkerne, are being measurably damaged by the noise, vibration, and dirt from road traffic.