Københavns Kommune får ny høringsportal den 28. november


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Oprettet: 8. oktober 2020

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Considering climate change, the well being of people and that unique species are vanishing from the face of the earth in an increasing pace, the politicians supporting and pushing this suggestion prove they have not understood a thing about what the issue is about! This project is so retarded I don't know where to start, and I can assure that the children of today wont thank you for building private property on something that was once a peaceful recreational area (it's argued this will provide housing for future generations).

Don't turn amager felled into a Central Park or Hyde Park! The soil is contaminated! Leave it be and let the animals that have established themselves in the area thrive. And let our eyes rest from the horrid, ugly and anonymous constructions that now dominate along the Brygge water fronts on both sides!