Oprettet: 26. maj 2016

Indsendt af

Nicole Basel






It says in the protocol that the changes of school districts would have “ingen økonomiske konsekvenser”. If you only focus on the budget of Copenhagen Kommune, that might be correct. But that – of course – is only a very small part of the picture. There is going to be massive economic consequences for the public! My family gives quite a good example. We are highly dependent on a well-functioning infrastructure, as we have to kids and we both have to commute long ways to work. That is why we chose Ørestad. The rearrangement of school districts will have massive consequences for our family budget: When our oldest son starts at school, we will have to deliver one kid in Vestamager, where the kindergarten is located, and one kid more than three kilometers in the complete opposite direction at Dyvekeskole. If you calculate optimistically, we will spend every day (!) around 3 hours on delivering and picking up our children. Given that, one of us will have to go significantly down in working hours. This won’t only have dramatic economic consequences for our family. We will also pay less tax. (And no: We are not an unlucky exception. Plenty of our neighbors are facing similar problems.) Copenhagen Kommune is insanely rich. It is time to spend some money to find a better solution for Ørestad and its families.