Høringssvar vedrørende Organisering af Fremtidens Fritidstilbud

Oprettet: 29. april 2015

Indsendt af

Tony Knapp

Virksomhed / organisation

Forælder/Islands Brygge






I believe that it is deeply problematic that financial considerations are outweighing the quality of care and education of our children. Choosing to create a Frit which is a 1:1 replication of a school the size of Islands Brygge, one which is struggling to cope with significant rapid expansion and the challenges of the school reforms, is extremely concerning. Offering a different environment, a change of pace, focus, scenery is healthy. I am not sure an already overburdened Islands Brygge Skole can offer this, compared to a variety of institutions which offer closer contact with the children under their care, different environments for the wonderfully diverse range of needs. I would willingly pay more tax than have the proposed changes come into effect. Cutting corners on the education of the next generation is ridiculously shortsighted. I therefore seriously hope that you will reconsider this decision